Wednesday, October 26, 2011

At the Crossroads

I'm a very indecisive person. It's easy for me to have a second thought. Every time I made a decision, the next second I'll doubt it. There is this one time when I was craving for cheesecake and I went to have one. The shop has so many kinds of cheesecake, I had a hard time deciding which slice I want. I eventually chose the blueberry cheesecake, but I ended up eating that blueberry cheesecake while thinking about how the marble cheesecake will taste like. So, that is me, greedy as it is. I want everything, but too afraid to take the risk. A greedy safe-player.

Standing at the crossroads again, I hate when it comes to the time of making essential decisions in life. Job, life's direction, relationship, etc. Sometimes the things you want aren't realistic and the realistic ones aren't what you want. Wonder what should I use as a basis of making those decisions.

As life never changes in providing misery, I know my God too never changes in providing blessing. So, it makes sense when you hold on to Him. In the middle of worry and confusion, I need to convince myself that everything is gonna be all right at the right time, that I will have the wisdom to choose the right one and to do the right thing, that all I need to do is put effort, believe, and surrender.

I hope that Word, prayer, and peace in heart will guide me through. And may this writing prove itself when I look back a year from now. A proof that God has a wonderful plan for me.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." ~ Matt 6:34